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UNLOCKING THE POWER OF BUSINESS BLOGGING: An interview with industry expert Sarah Arrow

In the ever-evolving landscape of digital marketing, one individual stands out as a true luminary - Sarah Arrow. She's not just an industry expert; she's the driving force behind the 30-day Business Blogging Challenge. I've had the privilege of knowing Sarah for about 14 years since we met at a local networking event. Over the years, we've maintained a strong connection, we even collaborated on Birds on the Blog many years ago when it was in its infancy and she has graciously shared her expertise on blogging at events I've organised. But, despite all the knowledge and encouragement she offered, I had never taken the plunge into the 30-day Business Blogging Challenge.

There's never a "right time" for anything, especially when we're all constantly busy, so, I decided to dive headfirst into this challenge, probably at the worst time of the year. But hey, who doesn't love a challenge, right?

Now, you might be wondering why Sarah's perspective is crucial to me as I embark on this blogging challenge. Well, that's because she's a true authority in the field. Her experience and guidance have already proven invaluable, and I'm excited to share my journey with you. I'm already enjoying the challenge, even though it's hard work. The best part? I'm already seeing an increase in engagement and sparking enthusiasm with my clients.

30 Day Business Blogging Challenge

Q: Hi Sarah! Can you tell us a bit about yourself and how you got started with blogging?

A: Hey Emily, thanks for having me. I love talking to you and your audience, and I'd love to share my story. Back in the mid-90s, I stumbled upon blogging, although it wasn't called that at the time. I dabbled with content creation on platforms like Yahoo Geocities, and looking back, my early attempts were pretty awful! Fast forward to 2006 when my husband, Kevin, asked me to help generate leads for his transport business while I was on maternity leave with our two little ones. Instead of watching daytime TV, I decided to give it a shot and help him out.

Q: So, you had some initial resistance towards writing. How did you overcome that?

A: Oh, absolutely! Writing was not my strong suit, and I dreaded those first few blog posts. I vividly remember my first one, which ended up being just 50 words long and took me a whopping 2.5 hours to write! But I persevered because I wanted to show Kevin that our business could grow. The site instructed me to do this three times a week, every week. And I did it, even though I'd have preferred a root canal without anesthesia over writing those first posts.

Q: That's quite the dedication! When did you start seeing results from your blogging efforts?

A: It took about six weeks before I started seeing tangible results. Kevin came to me one day and said, "I don't know what this blogging thing you're doing is, but it's making the phone ring." Hearing those words made me realise that it was actually working! I was ecstatic. Of course, a part of me wanted to quit writing, but Kevin asked if I could do more of it. So, I continued, and that's how I unintentionally became the queen of content, all without any writing ability to start with.

Q: Why should I start a blog to boost my business visibility on the web?

A: Starting a blog for your business has numerous benefits. It brings more traffic to your website, increases your subscribers, and helps convert visitors into buyers. Additionally, sites with a blog have 67% better SEO, which means better visibility on search engines. So, if you want to improve your online presence and attract more leads, starting a blog is a great strategy.

Q: Who is the challenge for?

A: This challenge is for anyone who has been told they need to blog but is not quite sure why. It's also for individuals with businesses that want more leads, entrepreneurs who want to position themselves using a blog, coaches, authors, speakers who want more leads, and business owners who wish to be thought leaders and gain greater peer recognition.

So, there you have it! Words of wisdom from the queen of content herself. I would urge you to give the blogging challenge a go for yourself, firstly, it's FREE – and who doesn't love a freebie? Plus, with all the help and guidance from Sarah and the group you’ll be surprised at what you can achieve and you never know - you might just enjoy it! Follow my link to get started on your own journey.

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